Gli ascolti tv di lunedì 6 gennaio 2024. Chi ha vinto in termini di dati auditel tra la puntata speciale Affari Tuoi Lotteria Italia in onda su Rai 1 e la finale di Supercoppa Inter-Milan trasmessa su Canale5: tutti i dati.Continua a leggere
The text compares the TV ratings of two programs that aired on Monday, January 6th, 2024: "Affari Tuoi Speciale Lotteria Italia" on Rai 1 and the Inter-Milan Supercoppa Final on Canale 5.
The main idea is to determine which program was more popular with viewers based on the Auditel ratings. It then presents the viewership numbers and share percentages for both programs, ultimately concluding which one triumphed in the ratings battle.
The text compares the TV ratings of two programs that aired on Monday, January 6th, 2024: "Affari Tuoi Speciale Lotteria Italia" on Rai 1 and the Inter-Milan Supercoppa Final on Canale 5. The main idea is to determine which program was more popular with viewers based on the Auditel ratings. It then presents the viewership numbers and share percentages for both programs, ultimately concluding which one triumphed in the ratings battle.